Auto Enrolment

Employers large and small will have found it hard to be in the dark about auto-enrolment and the workplace pension. A continuing stream of letters from The Pension Regulator backed up with a television campaign has seen to that.

At Fergus Neilson We handle all aspects of auto-enrolment (AE) whether you are a micro employer or a large business. The Pension Regulator has already issued a substantial number of fines for non compliance so it is vital that AE be incorporated into your payroll solution whether you decide to outsource or handle inhouse. Below is a list of the main duties that we perform on behalf of our clients. The list is not exhaustive but please be assured that we handle everything that is required under AE regulations.

  • Find out your staging date*

  • Liaise with you to find out your wishes*

  • Set up a pension scheme on your behalf with your chosen provider

  • Set up your chosen pension scheme on our payroll system *

  • Sent out notices to all your employees telling them that AE is coming and when *

  • Assess all your employees on the first pay run after your staging date or after your postponement period *

  • Auto-enrol all who are eligible *

  • Send out notices to all employees informing them that they have been auto enrolled or why they have not been and their choices**

  • Send you a Pension Report showing the individual and total contributions that period *

  • Create a .csv file in the format stipulated by your pension provider and upload same onto their web portal ***

  • Authorise the collection by direct debit of the sum due to the pension provider **

  • Process employees wishing to opt in or out or take a pension break*

  • Send the required notices to new employees **

  • Amend the percentages being contributed on your instructions *

  • Automatically re-enrol any employees who have opted out after the required 3 year period**

* included as standard.  There is a one off AE setup charge of £50
** included only if we are administering your pension scheme
*** included only if we are administering your pension scheme and your scheme provider is one of the main providers for whom our software can create the correct file

© Fergus Neilson 2025