Direct Payments

Do you employ one or more carer(s) in your home? To HMRC you are an Employer and must follow the same PAYE rules and regulations as TESCO or BT with very few exceptions. We know that this is not how you see it. And rightly so.

We understand that your priority lies in finding the right carer or carers and you may not have the time nor the inclination to deal with PAYE and all its rules and regulations. We discuss all your needs with you so you don’t need to worry about being an Employer. We know costs are important and our experience in offering payroll for carers has enabled us to develop cost effective packages. 

If you have not yet started to employ anyone please contact us and we can advise you, absolutely free of charge, of your choices and obligations under PAYE. 

If you are already employing someone then please contact us and we would be happy to quote for moving your payroll to us.

© Fergus Neilson 2025