How we do it

For any questions, email us!

Our procedure each pay period will vary depending on the size and complexity of your payroll as well as your individual requirements.  That said, below is an outline of what you can expect from us.   Our programme will always be tailored to suit your needs wherever possible.

Before we begin

  • Initial in depth discussion via email and telephone to establish criteria

  • Specification is sent to you for approval and amendment if necessary

  • If we are taking over an existing payroll, a form to capture all the relevant information will be sent to you for completion together with “starter” forms for you to use going forward

  • If you are a new employer we will set up a PAYE scheme on your behalf with HMRC and send you “starter” forms that must be completed for each new employee you hire

  • If you have a small number of employees whose payments do not vary much from month to month you can elect either to use our online schedule (see next point) or simply to respond to an email each period asking whether you have any changes to the payroll

  • If you have hourly or daily paid workers, or employees with additions/deductions and or changes each period then we will create an online schedule where you can enter each period’s variations as well as tell us about salary increases, sickness absence and a host of other things relevant to that particular pay period. The schedule can be updated in real time throughout the month.   When it is complete you sign it off.

The process

  • If you have hourly or daily paid workers, or employees with additions/deductions and or changes each period then we will create an online schedule where you can enter each period’s variations as well as tell us about salary increases, sickness absence and a host of other things relevant to that particular pay period. The schedule can be updated in real time throughout the month. When it is complete you sign it off

  • Where we are also paying your employees, when sending the reports, we will tell you the date by which we must have your authorisation for BACs

  • You can choose how many or how few reports are included in your “report pack” each period. There is a large choice including departmental reports (unlimited) and nominal journal reports but as a minimum you will receive a Payroll Summary, copy payslips and a report telling you how much is due to HMRC for that period

  • Payslips will be sent on the date and according to the type, agreed with you and set out in your “Specification”

  • P45s will be issued for leavers as part of the payroll process

Legal and Technical

  • Before processing a payroll we check electronically and download any tax code changes and student loan start/stop notices

  • Under the rules of Real Time Information we must send your payroll file to HMRC on or before your nominated pay date. This is done during our updating process

  • In accordance with data protection we only discuss payroll matters with the names you have given us in your Specification

  • We recommend that payroll reports and emailed payslips  be encrypted and password protected

  • All our payroll data is stored on our server at Head Office and worked on from there. Payroll data is never downloaded onto individual desktops or laptops. The server is backed up daily and stored securely offsite in accordance with our disaster recovery policy

© Fergus Neilson 2025